
Tong Shih Gio Hwa San Great Will Temple 東勢九華山大願寺

Clinging to the hill, by the water, Great Will Temple worships Dizan Budda. It's located on the small hill, front is river and back is hill, and river runs from east to west to Tong Shih downtown.  It's quiet, fresh, and is of wide view.  Pear fields down hill and at the opposite hill are all in eyes.  What a Xanadu!!

Great Will Temple is a rare plain temple: 1)there're neither splendor building nor decoration. 2)there're no pressing donation boxes everywhere.  3)there's no any modern ATM equipment.  What can be seen are simply the paint and tile peeled off walls and it's still majestic up there!!  Furthermore, it's extremely valuable that the believers can own much freedom here.  The ground floor praying hall and the first floor praying hall are all opened for believers in the day time.  If you need a true quiet solemn of no pressing upright buddihst temple in diligent practice, Great Will Temple does deserve to be the best choice! The freedom you feel at Great Will Temple is just like you're in one university where is famous of pursuing academic and giving full freedom in other developed country.

The 1927 born abbot Sheng Shin who raises relieving live animals.  He is cordial, kind, amiable, approachable, temperamental, quite elderly stylish, and is a practitioner according to Buddhism.  He speaks great Japanese for he got Japanese education.

Plying Great Will Temple through pear field by riding motorbike, my thinking is always pushed to "Country road take me home" of John Denver. 
"Almost heaven, west virginia Blue ridge moutains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, Country road"

What a great song makes me happy.  Thank John Denver for his great contribution to the world.  He worte this song which was interpreted vividly by his charming voice.  Happiness is so available readily.

Great Will Temple
Address: 32, TongBei Alley, TongKi St., Chung Ker Li, TongShih Dis, Taichung city
Tel: (04) 2587-2835

依山傍水的大願寺供奉地藏王菩薩.  它座落在小山坡上, 前有河流後有山坡, 河水由東往西流向東勢街內, 寧靜、空氣好、 視野廣, 山下梨園與對面山坡梨園盡入眼簾.  真是世外桃源!!

大願寺是難得的樸實寺院: 1)沒有金碧輝煌的建築物與裝潢, 2)沒有到處給人壓力的福田箱, 3)也沒有現代化的自動提款機設備, 可看到的緊是油漆與磁磚剝落的牆壁, 它仍然雄偉聳立 在山坡上. 另外, 極為可貴的 是信徒在這裡可以擁有很多的自由, 一樓大殿與二樓大殿白天都開放供信眾使用. 若需一處真正清靜莊嚴無壓力的正信佛教道場精進修行, 大願寺不愧是上上之選!  在大願寺感受到的自由, 彷彿身處國外某以追逐學術並給予學生充分自由而聞名的大學.

民國15年出生的開山住持聖心老和尚提暢放生.  他親切、仁慈、和藹可親、平易近人、氣質佳、頗有長者風範、 是如法修行者.  他講日文,  因他受日本教育.

騎機車往返大願寺穿梭經過梨園,  思緒總是推到 John Denver 的 "Country road take me home"
"Almost heaven, west virginia Blue ridge moutains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, Country road"

好棒的一首讓我快樂的歌.  感謝 John Danver 對世人的貢獻.  他寫這歌也用他迷人嗓音詮釋這歌.  快樂就是這麼地垂手可得.

地址: 台中市東勢區中嵙里東崎街東北巷32號 電話: (04) 2587-2835
郵局劃撥帳號: 0216 0898  戶名 大願寺


