
Hwei Lu Buddhist Temple 慧律精舍

Hwei Lu Buddhist Temple is the branch temple of Wen Shu School at Yu Chi of Nan Tou county in the central Taiwan.   It's made of log.   it's not opened to public.  Its location is quite insidious--not easy to be found.  It's used while Master Hwei Lu gives his speach here.  In other words, only the Kaoshung followers of Master Hwei Lu are allowed to walked in such a clear advantages, fresh air and solemn temple.

While searching for the Lotus Studying Center on the country side, friend and I found the well-known solid wood class room.  We couldn't believe our eyes and were so much excited.

The front big gate was closed.  In order to have a look at the wood class room, we walked inside stealthily.  Not long enough, we're caught by the watchman, although they many persons sat around the table having the tea outside the house.  (What a lucky guy!  Making tea under such a wonderful circumstances, even without pay I'm still willing to work!  Hope Master Hwei Lu reads this.)  Just seeing few minutes, we're kicked out quickly.

Next to the temple, the watchman lives in a small place watching the temple for 24H.

慧律精舍是文殊講堂在中部南投縣魚池鄉的分院. 原木打造, 並不對外開放. 地點相當隱密不好找. 當慧律法師在此講經時才使用. 也就是說只有慧律法師的高雄信徒們才有機會走進這環境清優 空氣好 又莊嚴的道場。

我和朋友騎機車在鄉道上尋找蓮花研究中心, 卻發現耳熟能詳的億元打造的全木屋講堂, 當下不敢相信自己的眼睛.  真是興奮不已!

大門深鎖.  為了一睹講堂真面目, 我們還是偷溜進去.  沒多久就被管理員先生逮個正著, 雖然他們一堆人圍著桌在戶外泡茶. (好幸福阿!  在這麼棒的地方泡茶, 沒薪水我也願意做阿!  真希望慧律法師看到我的心聲.) 只是簡單看幾下, 就被轟出去. 

精舍旁有一小屋, 管理員住在裡面做24小時守衛.

front gate

